Sunday, May 15, 2016

B Cell Therapies in MS: Entering a New Age in MS Care

A novel approach to targeted immunotherapy, started nearly 2 decades ago, is now bearing fruit.  The role of antibodies in the pathology of the MS plaque has been a hot area of basic research.  Up until recently, MS was thought to be fundamentally a disease driven by the abnormal regulation of a type of immune cell called the T cell. 

From the Ground up strength and flexibility

The exercises take place on the ground but they benefit you in all
walks of life. Geared toward those with neurological challenges
including Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and post-stroke
recovery this weekly mat-oriented class includes elements of yoga,
tai chi, dumbbell exercise, exercise bands and more.

Therapeutic Yoga

Build confidence, resilience and stability through this therapeutically designed class specific for people living with MS. Increase your flexibility and calm your nervous system with this safe and compassionate program. Our therapeutic teacher team’s extensive adaptive yoga training and experience will facilitate your understanding of how to restore, renew and regenerate your energy. Join us for a heartfelt exploration into health, wholeness and well-being. Class is accessible for all levels and capacity.

Fall Prevention: Take Action!

Each year, millions of adults ages 65 and older fall. People with disabilities are also at high risk. Falls can cause moderate to severe injuries, such as hip fractures and head traumas, and can increase the risk of early death. Fortunately, falls are preventable!

Are you having redness and pain from MS medication injections?

PEG-Thermal IIT

A pilot study of warm and cold compress to reduce injection site erythema due to peginterferon-beta-1a in multiple sclerosis.

Phase IV

The MS Center is enrolling research volunteers for a drug study in MS. A research trial using thermal methods to reduce redness and pain caused by peginterferon-beta-1a (Plegridy) injections.

MS Center at EvergreenHealth enrolling for Tecfidera trial

The MS Center at EvergreenHealth is now enrolling for a research trial to study the possible effects of Tecfidera® (dimethyl fumarate) therapy on gut microbiota of patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

This study will also explore the influence of change in gut bacteria on other important aspects of MS, including disease activity and symptomatic issues such as mood.

Men's Group

Feeling like your world is a little out of control? Your body and brain are in a conspiracy not to work together and make your life miserable?

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “We may have all come here on different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now.”

Come join other men with neurological concerns to explore what is happening to our minds and bodies as we look for ways to cope and to thrive in spite of our limitations.

Neurological Exercise Group

Presented by Rehabilitation Services

Gentle stretch and strength exercises done in a chair and
standing. For patients affected by neurological disorders such
as Parkinson’s, Stroke and Multiple Sclerosis.

No Whiners

Issaquah MS Self Help Group
Come join the ‘No Whiners’ group. The name of the group is exactly what we are all about – no whining! Find comfort and strength with your peers as you learn new information and tips to get more out of your life. Guest speakers from many disciplines and areas of interest educate us each month. We welcome people of all ages with all different types of MS. 

Kirkland Care Partner Support Group

Find comfort and strength with other spouses and partners, as you learn new resources and make new connections.   Share your story and learn new ways to meet the challenges MS brings to a relationship. 

Date 4th Thursday of each month
Time 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Location Evergreen Hospital – Tan Rm 119
                12040 NE 128th St.
                Kirkland, WA

Kirkland MS Self-help Group

Find comfort and strength with your peers as you learn, cope, laugh and celebrate the challenges and successes of living with MS. We welcome people of all ages with all different types of MS. Share your story and learn new ways to live with MS.

Date: 3rd Thursday of each month
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Evergreen Hospital - Tan Rm. 121
12040 NE 128th St., Kirkland, WA
Contact: Karen:
Susan: 425-822-0462